Monday, November 14, 2011

What's New In Outreach

The Outreach Department has just begun two new community projects. We are starting a three-year project with Reid Park School. The purpose of the project is to help kindergarten students increase their reading skill and to support the educational success of all students at the school. In addition, the library will also be able to capture and share our impact on educational success, based on the experience we will have at this school. The Library's efforts is part of the Family Involvement Student Success Network Team; a County led effort to support Reid Park School.

The second project is the Job Center on the Go! Once again, thanks to funding from the Crossroads Charlotte Initiative Grant, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library can expand it workforce development activities into the community. As in the Job Help Center, patrons will receive support for job exploration and career transition. They will also have the opportunity to participate in computer workshops and get the individual assistance needed to conduct successful job searches.

Stay tuned! Information and outcomes regarding each program is forthcoming.

Welcome Back

DSC_0180 by CMLibraryInAction
DSC_0180, a photo by CMLibraryInAction on Flickr.
Welcome Back Faye! Faye Brown is back with her library and outreach least for a little while. Faye Brown retired from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in March 2010 after many years of service. Faye is bringing her expertise and experience to our early literacy and adult programs while outreach staff members are on leave. Faye's efforts are appreciated and needed and we commend her for the fabulous intergenerational program she planned for Veteran's Day.


IMG_2023 by CMLibraryInAction
IMG_2023, a photo by CMLibraryInAction on Flickr.
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Amigo's programs offers free tutoring and homework help at four our our library locations. (Independence Regional, Mountain Island, South County Regional and University City Regional.) This program targets students who speak English as a second language. For more information on volunteering or participating in this program call 704.416.0557.

All in a Day's Work in Outreach

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Staff members in the outreach department have been beyond busy providing services to patrons in our community. In a nutshell, we are into our third phase of the the Jump Start reading program. We are excited to report that parents are understanding the importance of reading to their children at an early age and they are reading to their children at home. Library by Mail has 136 regular patrons and three community deposit collections. Six volunteers or "actioneers" as we affectionately call them, deliver books to partons home. Our Read to Me, Charlotte website is live with family literacy activities. Refugee families participate in pre-literacy programs and school age program that provide literacy skill to help students prepare and be successful in school. There are four Amigo's sites in our library locations offering free tutoring to students who speak English as a second language. We are also providing programs to adults in Spanish and English, which focus on literacy and job searching opportunities. These programs take place at senior nutrition sites, adult day cares and jails. Staff also work in the community to provide literacy programs to children with special needs. If you know a population that cannot take advantage of library services and resources, please contact Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Outreach department at 704.416.0552.

Intergenerational Veteran's Day program